Aging and Your Eyes

As we age, the effects can be felt in all part of our bodies, including our eyes! The aging process can cause problems with seeing up close, changing levels of light and even distinguishing colors, according to an informative piece from the National Institute on Aging. To read the story and learn about ways to…

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What is Occupational Therapy: Everything Caregivers Need to Know

If you have a loved one that has been impacted by illness or injury, such as a stroke, it’s important to know about occupational therapy, which helps people improve their fine motor skills, dexterity and other capabilities. This allows the patient to perform everyday tasks that are important to them. AARP has shared an article…

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How to Avoid Winter Slips and Falls

You would think that boots are sufficient for safe winter walking, but sometimes even ice stakes may be needed! Ice and snow can increase your risk of experiencing a dangerous fall. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that about 1 million U.S. adults are injured due to slips and falls every year, with…

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Is the Snooze Button Ruining Your Sleep?

Do you hit snooze in the morning when the alarm buzzes?  According to one survey of 20,000 people who wore an activity-tracking watch, 50 percent hit snooze at least once every morning. Medical experts encourage people to skip the snooze and just set the alarm for the time they actually need to get up, but the habit…

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Tips for Caregivers: Helping People With Alzheimer’s Disease Eat Well

If there’s a loved one in your life with Alzheimer’s disease, it’s very important to help them maintain a healthy diet. However, some people may have a poor appetite due to medication, lack of physical activity, or a decreased sense of taste and smell.  The National Institute on Aging has put together some very helpful…

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What is Respite Care

We all know from experience that caregiving is not easy for the caregiver or the person receiving care. It can cause strain and stress for even the most resilient person. It’s critical for caregivers to ask for help and take a break when they need it. And they sure need it!  Thankfully, an offering called…

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What Your Blood Type Says About Your Health

Do you know your blood type? Most people don’t and there are a number of reasons why it’s actually very important to know this piece of information, especially when it comes to your heart. Research suggests that people with certain blood types — namely A and B — are at higher risk to develop blood…

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Older Adults and Balance Problems

It’s something we’ve all faced before. Feeling dizzy, lightheaded, or as if the room were spinning around you. These sensations can be troubling, but if they happen often, it could be a sign of a balance problem. Maintaining good balance as you age and learning about fall prevention can help you get around, stay independent, and carry…

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Do You Really Need to Wash Fruits and Vegetables?

The fruits, vegetables and other foods we eat come into contact with a lot of people, places, substances and surfaces before they ever end up on our plates. It’s important to remember that everything we bring home from the grocery store needs a good wash to remove potential pathogens and pesticides from the field. AARP put together…

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7 Common Symptoms of RSV in Older Adults 

While COVID-19 and flu are top-of-mind for many at this time of year, there’s another highly contagious respiratory virus called RSV that spreads in the fall and winter months, that be downright dangerous for older adults. Here’s a very helpful piece from AARP on how to spot symptoms of RSV in older adults, from AARP, CLICK HERE.

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